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PRP therapy is an injection procedure involving the introduction of platelet-rich plasma of a patient into a place on his body that requires speedy healing, that is, aimed at accelerating regeneration and stimulating the growth of the body's own cells. The method is used to treat a range of musculoskeletal injuries and conditions, in post-surgical healing, in treating male pattern baldness, both in preventing hair loss and promoting new hair growth, in gynecology and as anti-aging treatment. 

PRP Indications

  • Sports injuries (sprains/ruptures of ligaments, muscles, cartilage injuries).

  • In the postoperative period (for the speedy healing of sutures, scars, reducing the risk of infection).

  • Burns (promotes early epithelization of the skin, that is, its restoration).

  • Difficult-to-heal ulcers, wet eczema.

  • Dermatitis.

  • Speedy implantation of implants, in the complex treatment of gum diseases.

  • Damage to the eyelids and cornea (injected subconjunctivally).

  • In cosmetology (against signs of aging, wrinkles, dull complexion, age spots, acne and post-acne, scars and much more).

  • In trichology (treatment of alopecia).

  • In Gynecology.

PRP Benefits

  • The drug contains a person's own proteins, therefore it does not cause rejection: there is no allergy to it, as to foreign biological drugs (for example, vaccines), and other immune reactions

  • It is available and equally effective at all times, so therapy can be extended if necessary or repeated after a certain time

  • The method is the most natural, since plasma, unlike medical preparations, is not embedded in metabolic processes from the outside, but only stimulates the normal functioning of the body, strengthening and accelerating those processes that are already taking place in the body constantly


As a result of injection procedures of PRP therapy, the patient will notice:

  • Reduction of scars, including post-acne.

  • Skin alignment: color improvement, smoothing of facial wrinkles.

  • Pronounced anti-inflammatory effect: disappearance of acne, reduction of comedones.

  • Hair growth in areas of alopecia (baldness).

  • Increase of local immunity of the skin.

  • Reduction of pain (in case of injuries, after surgery).

  • Rapid implantation of implants (dental, cardiological, orthopedic).

  • Rapid tightening and scarring of ulcers, fusion of sutures.

  • Intra-articular.

  • Intradermal.

  • Subcutaneous.

  • Laser phoresis (non-injection method of percutaneous administration of biologically active substances by exposure to low-level laser illumination)

In cosmetology, respectively, the last 3 are used. Let's see what is the advantage of subcutaneous and percutaneous methods.

The main difference is in the depth of administration of the drug. With intradermal injection, the needle appears in the stratum corneum of the skin, under the epidermis. This layer consists of aged and keratinized cells, they are constantly exfoliated from the surface of the skin and replaced with young ones every 28-45 days. Simply put, these are dead nuclear–free cells. The introduction of drugs into the surface layers does not make practical sense and the effect of this is short-term and inconspicuous. With subcutaneous and percutaneous methods, plasma ends up in the dermis and in subcutaneous fat.

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