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You need to monitor your health and put yourself in order not only from the outside, but also from the inside. Intravenous therapy (infusion therapy) is a method of replenishing the body's deficits with proven effectiveness. Vitamin cocktails enter the blood intravenously with a digestibility of up to 100%. The composition of the dropper is selected based on the results of tests and adjusted as necessary.

IV Infusion Therapy 

Infusion therapy (from Lat. infusio — infusion, injection; etc.-Greek. θεραπεία — treatment) is a treatment method based on the introduction into the bloodstream of various solutions of a certain volume and concentration, in order to correct pathological losses of the body or prevent them.

Infusion therapy is one of the main methods of prevention and treatment of disorders of vital organs and systems in any serious disease or injury. This method allows you to manage and control the supply of water, electrolytes, energy, proteins, vitamins and minerals, medicines to the body.

The Purpose of IV Therapy

The objectives of infusion therapy are:

  • Restoration of blood microcirculation

  • Restoration of diuresis

  • Restoration and normalization of water-salt metabolism, acid-base balance

  • Elimination of toxins and decay products from the body

  • Elimination of hypoxia and anemia

  • Filling of deficits with the introduction of various drugs


In our clinic, infusion therapy is carried out both for preventive purposes and as part of treatment programs. Our highly effective IV drips and combinations were carefully formulated by medical professionals to be safe and effective with maximum benefit.

In our clinic we use only the highest quality and certified preparations, disposable sterile materials. All procedures take place after a personal consultation with a doctor and under doctor's constant supervision.

IV Therapy Advantages

  • Vitamins and medications enter the bloodstream immediately without passing through the gastrointestinal tract. Due to this, useful substances are not destroyed by the action of gastric acid, they are absorbed by the body immediately.

  • You can calculate the exact amount of the desired substance. For example, drugs in tablets are sold in standard dosages: 100 mg, 200 mg, 500 mg, 1000 mg, etc. The infusion method allows the doctor to select the composition and proportions of the components for the needs of your body and make changes during treatment.

  • Minimal side effects. Medications in tablets and capsules can affect digestion, cause unpleasant symptoms (dysbiosis, constipation, diarrhea). The intravenous therapy method is almost painless: you will not feel anything except a slight injection.

  • Quick relief. You will notice improvements after the first drip.

IV Therapy Indications

When we talk about IV therapy, we usually imagine a hospital and a patient in a critical condition like cancer or chronic diseases.

But intravenous therapy is successfully used ambulatory to quickly relieve nausea and vomiting, dehydration, to make up for deficiencies of iron, potassium, magnesium, and other substances necessary for the body. 

IV therapy is successfully used to treat the following conditions:

  • Chronic fatigue, weakness, apathy

  • Decrease in immunity

  • To recover from past illnesses

  • For detoxification of the body

  • For vitamin deficiency

  • Metabolic disorders

  • As an auxiliary therapy for cosmetic procedures (to increase their effectiveness)

Our office is equipped with anatomical chairs. The droppers are placed for about 1-1.5 hours, so we made sure that it was convenient for you. During the session, you can watch TV, read or work on a laptop. A glass of ozonated water will complement your treatment.

Water treated with ozone improves metabolism, saturates the body with oxygen, helps in the process of losing weight, increases efficiency, removes toxins. A positive effect was noted on the work of the urinary system, kidneys and liver. It is used in the treatment of asthma, gynecological diseases, stomach ulcers, arthritis, gout.


The procedure takes place under the supervision of a doctor — if necessary, he will stop the session, adjust the rate of drug intake or change the dosage. The standard course consists of 5-10 drips, which are administered every 2-3 days. We recommend repeating it 1-2 times a year.

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