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We offer a full range of lab tests.

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Imaging tests available from our partners:

  • Tomography

  • X-ray

  • Ultrasound

  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

  • Contrast studies

Laboratory Tests

Laboratory diagnostics are physico-chemical, biochemical and biological research methods that can be used to analyze the composition and properties of biological fluids and human tissues, as well as to identify pathogens. In global practice, laboratory examination is in the first place among all diagnostic studies both in terms of frequency of use and in terms of the amount of information provided.

Laboratory tests check a sample of your blood, urine, or body tissues. A technician or your doctor analyzes the test samples to see if your results fall within the normal range. The tests use a range because what is normal differs from person to person. Many factors affect test results. These include:

  • Your sex, age and race

  • What you eat and drink

  • Medicines you take

  • How well you followed pre-test instructions

Your doctor may also compare your results to results from previous tests. Laboratory tests are often part of a routine checkup to look for changes in your health. They also help doctors diagnose medical conditions, plan or evaluate treatments, and monitor diseases.


For your convenience, we have developed 29 test profiles that allow you to fully assess your health status

How to prepare for a lab test?
It is very important to proverly prepare for the test to get the best results. Inadequate preparation for testing, sampling and storage may lead to false results. If you have questions or concerns about test preparations, talk to your health care provider. Be sure you understand your preparation instructions before the day of your test. When you go to the laboratory you need to remember a few basic rules.

How to Prepare for a Bloodwork

Blood for most studies is taken strictly on an empty stomach, that is, when at least 8 hours pass between the last meal and taking blood (preferably at least 12 hours). Juice, tea, coffee, must also be excluded. You can drink water. 1-2 days before the examination, exclude fatty foods and alcohol from the diet. An hour before taking blood, it is necessary to refrain from smoking. Before donating blood, you need to exclude physical activity.


The recommended time is between 7 and 9 o'clock in the morning, for hormones and indicators of the hemostasis system (coagulological studies) - strictly before 10.00.

Patient preparation:

  • 1-2 days before the study, you should not eat fatty foods and drink alcohol;

  • 1 hour before the study, exclude physical and emotional stress, smoking;

  • on the day of the study, the intake of medications must be coordinated with the attending physician;

  • on the day of the study, the drinking regime: only water in the usual volume, you can not drink tea, coffee, juice, other drinks;

  • the day before the study, the last meal is no later than 19.00.

Contraindications to research: after physiotherapy procedures, instrumental examination, X-ray and ultrasound examinations, massage and other medical procedures.

Additional Restrictions for a Number of Tests in Addition to General Recommendations

  • Urea, uric acid - 2-3 days before the study, it is necessary to exclude the liver from the diet and limit meat, fish, coffee, tea as much as possible in the diet.

  • Cholesterol, triglycerides, high-density lipoproteins and low-density lipoproteins - 1-2 days before the proposed study, do not eat fatty, fried foods, 2 weeks before the study, it is necessary to cancel drugs that lower the level of lipids in the blood (in consultation with a doctor).

  • Glucose - in the morning, exclude the use of contraceptives, diuretics (in consultation with a doctor).

  • Thyroid hormones - exclude taking any medications on the day of the study (affecting thyroid function, aspirin, tranquilizers, corticosteroids, oral contraceptives).

  • PSA (general, free) - blood for examination can be donated no earlier than 2 weeks after prostate biopsy and prostate massage; the post-surgical level is determined no earlier than 6 weeks after the intervention.

  • CA-125 - it is more informative to take it 2-3 days after menstruation.

  • Blood testing for the presence of infections - citrus fruits, orange fruits and vegetables should be excluded from the diet 2 days before blood donation for viral hepatitis; blood for the presence of IgM class antibodies to infectious agents should be carried out no earlier than 5-7 days from the moment of the disease, IgG, IgA class antibodies no earlier than 10-14 days, if there are questionable results, it is advisable to conduct a repeat analysis after 3-5 days - to coordinate with the doctor.

How to Prepare for a Stool Analysis

The sample for the study is collected under the conditions of the usual drinking regime and the nature of nutrition. 3-4 days before the study, it is necessary to cancel taking medications that affect secretory processes and peristalsis (laxatives, enzymes, sympathomimetics, bismuth and iron preparations), as well as interfering with the study (rectal candles). When fecal culture is prescribed for the microflora, the biomaterial is collected before the start of treatment with antibacterial and chemotherapeutic drugs, if this is not possible, then the study is carried out no earlier than 12 hours after the withdrawal of drugs.

To reliably determine the hidden blood, the patient must exclude meat, fish, green vegetables, tomatoes and medicines containing metals (iron, copper) from the diet 3 days before the study.

Pay attention when collecting feces in a container, avoid admixture of urine and secretions from the genitals. It is unacceptable to deliver feces for examination in matchboxes, cardboard boxes, adapted dishes.

Contraindications to the collection and delivery of the analysis: to obtain reliable results, the study is not carried out in patients with bleeding (hemorrhoids, prolonged constipation, gum disease with signs of bleeding, menstruation), after an X-ray examination of the stomach and intestines (fecal analysis is permissible no earlier than two days later). You can not conduct a study after an enema. It is recommended that the resulting stool sample be delivered immediately to the laboratory, or no later than 30-40 minutes after receipt, provided it is stored in a medical container at T = + 2 + 4 ° C.

How to Collect a Stool Sample for Your Lab Test

Feces are collected after spontaneous defecation. The sample is taken into a universal container with a screw cap, in a volume equal to 1/2 teaspoon or spoon-spatula with a total volume of no more than 1/3 of the container volume. Special instructions: for microbiological studies of feces, the sample should be taken only in a sterile medical container with a screw cap.

Containers are provided by our office.

How to Prepare for Urine Test

  • 10-12 hours before the study, it is not recommended to consume: alcohol, spicy and salty foods, as well as foods that change the color of urine (beets, carrots).

  • To the extent possible, exclude the use of diuretics.

  • After cystoscopy, a urine test can be prescribed no earlier than 5-7 days.

  • Women are not recommended to take a urine test during menstruation.

  • The patient collects urine independently (with the exception of children and seriously ill).

  • Before passing the analysis, make a thorough hygiene of the external genitalia.

  • For women: wash your hands with warm soapy water and thoroughly wash the urethral region with warm water and soap or an intimate hygiene wash. Hygiene in the area of ​​the labia is particularly important, and the washing itself should be done from the front towards the anus, never in the opposite direction.

  • For men: thoroughly clean the penis. A disposable towel should be used for abrasion. Keeping strict hygiene rules means that by getting rid of bacteria from the body’s surface your urine results will be more reliable, if bacteria from the body enters the sample, it may falsify the test results.

Containers are provided by our office.

How to Collect a Urine Sample for Your Lab Test

Once you have started to urinate, collect a "mid-stream" urine sample, this means pass some urine into the toilet. Then, without stopping the flow of urine, catch some urine in a sterile bottle or container.  (The bottle/container is provided by a doctor or nurse.)  Once you have enough urine in the bottle/container, finish off passing the rest of your urine into the toilet. You do not need to fill the bottle/container to the top. Avoid touching any part of your genitals with the bottle/container, as this will increase the risk of contamination.  Put the cap back on the bottle/container.  The sooner the sample is given in to the laboratory, the better.  Within two hours is best.  If that is not possible, put the sample in the fridge until you take it to the laboratory.

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