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Today, laser therapy is one of the most painless, most effective and safe methods of treating various health problems. It is successfully and effectively used in various fields of medicine.
This great achievement of the twentieth century appeared thanks to Russian and American scientists, Nobel Prize laureates in physics N.G.Basov, A.M.Prokhorov, Zh.I. Alferov and Charles H. Townes. As a highly effective therapeutic agent, laser light was first used more than 50 years ago. For several decades, hundreds of methods of treatment and prevention of relapses of various diseases have been developed in almost all areas of medicine.

What is Laser Therapy?

Laser therapy is a method of physiotherapy where low–intensity laser radiation (LLLR) is used for medical purposes. In other words laser is an optical quantum generator, that is, a source of a very narrow and powerful beam of light. Simply put, laser treatment is light therapy. Literally, the abbreviation LASER (light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation) means "amplification of light by stimulated radiation". This procedure is suitable for most people, since it has practically no contraindications.

The light in a medical laser is selected at a strictly defined wavelength, since each cell in the human body reacts to its "own" wavelength. Therefore, affecting the entire body, each laser also has its own preferred point of application.

There are two types of medical lasers: low-intensity (physiotherapy) and high-intensity (surgical scalpels). Patients are sometimes intimidated by the term "radiation", which they associate with radiation. But these concepts should not be confused.


The laser is used today in all fields of medicine. Low-intensity lasers are used for photodynamic therapy and laser therapy. 


Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is an organ–preserving method of treating tumors and inflammatory processes. In the world, this method has been developing since the late 1970s, the clinical use of PDT in Russia began in 1992 followed by Canada, Japan and USA in 1993, 1994 and 1995 accordingly. In addition to oncology, photodynamic therapy is used in gastroenterology and dermatology, for example, in the treatment of psoriasis.


Laser therapy refers to phototherapy or, to put it another way, to a kind of light therapy. The high biological activity of this method is due to the ability of the laser to penetrate into the deep layers of the affected tissue using a scanning beam. Both manual and automatic modes are used, which allows you to treat only the areas to be treated without affecting healthy ones. The most common today are laser therapies of the infrared and red ranges.

History of Laser Therapy

In Russia (formerly USSR) study of biomodulation action (BMA) mechanisms of low-intensity laser irradiation (LILI) began in 1964, immediately after the development of lasers. In the 1964  3 physicists—2 Russians, Nikolay Gennadiyevich Basov (1922-2001) and his teacher Aleksandr M. Prokhorov (1916-2002), and 1 American, Charles H. Townes (1915-2015)—received a Nobel Prize for basic research in the field of experimental physics. The Nobel Prize was divided, one half awarded to Charles Hard Townes, the other half jointly to Nicolay Gennadiyevich Basov and Aleksandr Mikhailovich Prokhorov "for fundamental work in the field of quantum electronics, which has led to the construction of oscillators and amplifiers based on the maser-laser principle".

During the period from 1965 to 1972 several dozens of scientific conferences were held, hundreds of studies were published. Generally, secondary mechanisms and results of LILI effect on patients with various diseases were studied. This data was immediately implemented into practical medicine in the fields of oncology, surgery, dermatology and dentistry, and since 1974 low level laser therapy (LLLT) has been included in the standard of state medical care. 

For 50 years no less than 1000 books were published (monographs, collections, methodical and clinical materials), thousands of researches were carried out.


Owing to the knowledge of BMA mechanisms of LILI, numerous associated and combined LLLT techniques were developed and are widely used nowadays: locally, on the projection of internal organs, laser acupuncture, reflexology, intracavitary, transdermal and intravenous laser blood illumination, magnetic-laser therapy, laser phoresis, laser-vacuum massage, biomodulation, etc.

Scientific Research 
Center “Matrix”

Unique, having no analogues in the world devices for laser therapy that are used in our practice, are produced in Russia by Scientific Research Center “Matrix”. Red pulsed laser diodes (wavelength 635 nm, power 5-40 W, pulse duration 100 ns, frequency 10 000 Hz) are designed specially for effective laser therapy.

Scientific Research Center “Matrix” under the guidance of the world-famous Doctor of Biological Sciences, Candidate of Technical Sciences Moskvin Sergey Vladimirovich, has been the developer of laser therapeutic devices "Matrix", "Lasmik" for over 20 years. As well as professional complexes "Matrix-Urologist", "Matrix-Cosmetologist" which are also used by our center.


The Center is a recognized world leader in the development and production of professional laser and physiotherapy equipment. Many developments and techniques have no analogues. Long-term clinical studies conducted jointly with leading medical centers have proven an unprecedented high efficiency of the use of equipment of the Matrix and Lasmik series. The equipment is successfully used in practice by doctors in Russia and Worldwide: in gynecology, urology, neurology, cosmetology, dentistry, pediatrics and other areas of medicine. Doctors cooperating with the center participate in scientific research, conferences and seminars, receive consultations on the most effective latest treatment methods, including Smart Health Medical staff.


Moskvin Sergey Vladimirovich – Doctor of Biological Sciences, Candidate of Technical Sciences, is a leading researcher of the FSBI "State Scientific Center of Laser Medicine of the FMBA of the Russian Federation", Professor of the Department of Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine of the FGBOU DPO IPK of the FMBA of the Russian Federation, author of more than 400 scientific publications, including more than 50 monographs and 20 patents.


All methods of Low-level laser therapy have been developed on the basis of SRC “Matrix” with the participation of scientific and medical staff in the course of many years of research and practice. More than 20 textbooks on laser exposure techniques have been written, which are available in different languages.

The well-known laser therapeutic devices of the Matrix and Lasmik series with a wide selection of radiating heads have long and well proven themselves in the treatment of many diseases. Unlike other devices, the new laser devices of the Matrix and Lasmik series have a more extended frequency range, which significantly increases the laser power (necessary in anesthesia techniques).

According to the classification of laser hazard, our equipment belongs to the safest 1st class.

Low-Level Laser Therapy 

Laser therapeutic devices of the MATRIX and LASMIK series are used for non-invasive and cavity laser therapy in many areas of medicine. The devices are intended for professional use by doctors in medical institutions of a wide profile.


• Reduction of neurogenic and organic pain syndromes

• Correction of immune system indicators

• Improvement of hemodynamics

• Pronounced anti-inflammatory and decongestant effect

• Activation of reparative and regenerative processes

• Restoration of homeostasis regulation systems


THERAPY: coronary heart disease, angina pectoris of rest and tension, post-infarction cardiosclerosis, hypertension, vegetative-vascular dystonia, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and musculoskeletal system.

SURGERY: wounds, burns, frostbite, bone fractures, traumatic injuries of internal organs, infiltrates, purulent diseases of soft tissues and bones, proctitis, paraproctitis, rectal cracks, boils, carbuncles, phlegmons; phlebitis, thrombophlebitis, obliterating endarteritis, trophic ulcers, hemorrhoids, lymphadenitis, heel spurs.

ENDOCRINOLOGY: autoimmune thyroiditis, diabetes mellitus, endocrinopathy.

NEUROLOGY: chronic cerebral ischemia, rehabilitation after stroke, osteochondrosis, sciatica, cervical-brachial syndrome, neuritis and neuralgia of various localization, neuroses, multiple sclerosis, pain syndrome.

GASTROENTEROLOGY: gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, pancreatitis, diffuse liver lesions, cirrhosis of the liver, biliary dyskinesia, acute and chronic cholecystitis, colitis.

PULMONOLOGY: bronchitis, bronchial asthma, acute and chronic pneumonia, pulmonary tuberculosis, pneumosclerosis, pleurisy.

ENT DISEASES: eczema of the auricle, external auditory canal, otitis, salpingootitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, adenoids, pharyngitis, laryngitis.

UROLOGY: acute and chronic pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, cystitis, urethritis, prostatitis, pathology of spermatogenesis, Peyronie's disease, enuresis, sexual disorders, infertility.

OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY: perineal ruptures during childbirth, nipple cracks, lactation mastitis, mastopathy, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, endometritis, endocervicitis, cervical erosion, acute and chronic adnexitis, chronic salpingoophoritis, vulvovaginitis, vulvar kraurosis, infertility, fetoplacental insufficiency.

DERMATOLOGY, COSMETOLOGY: neurodermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, allergic dermatitis, herpes, warts, abscessed acne, epidermophytosis, alopecia, prevention of skin aging.

DENTISTRY: uncomplicated dental caries, pulpitis, periodontitis, herpetic stomatitis, desquamative glossitis, lesions, ulcers and erosion of the oral mucosa, exfoliative cheilitis, chronic lip cracks, chronic sialoadenitis.

PEDIATRICS: diseases of the bronchopulmonary system and organs of the gastrointestinal tract, infectious diseases.

SPORTS MEDICINE: rapid recovery of athletes' performance after sports overloads, injuries, activation of a productive psychophysical state before responsible competitions.

Benefits of Low-Level Laser Therapy

Laser treatment of the underlying disease not only brings relief to the patient, but also triggers a number of photochemical and photophysical processes, as well as many other reactions, which ultimately leads to different results:


  • Activates the immune system which in turn accelerates the healing process.

  • Stimulates blood circulation.

  • Boosts the number of red blood cells – cells that transport oxygen from the lungs to all organs and tissues. Due to this, oxygen metabolism in the body is enhanced.

  • Accelerates metabolic and regenerative processes due to which erosion, wounds and other injuries heal faster.

  • Activates cellular metabolism.

  • Prevents the proliferation of connective tissues.

  • Removes pathogenic microflora from the skin and mucous membranes, which helps to reduce inflammation.

  • Reduces pain, in some cases removes it completely.

The absence of side effects and serious contraindications allows the use of laser therapy in pediatrics from any age for infectious diseases of the skin, gastrointestinal tract and bronchopulmonary system of children.


There are no absolute specific contraindications to laser therapy. However, depending on the patient's condition, the phase of treatment of the disease, etc. there may be restrictions on the use of the low-level laser therapy (LLLT). Before each course, a specialist consultation is required.

LLLT is contraindicated in the following syndromes:

  • hemorrhagic (bleeding);

  • neoplastic;

  • hyperthermic (fever);

  • systemic and multiple organ insufficiency 4

  • cachexic (severe general exhaustion);

  • epileptic;

  • convulsive;

  • hysterical.

In some sources you can find a number of contraindications. However, these data are not supported by scientific research. In turn, we can give you a number of examples:

  • The presence of malignant and benign formations. Laser light has neither mutagenic nor oncogenic effect, does not stimulate the development of cancerous tumors, but on the contrary, suppresses. In recent years, there have been more and more clinical papers proving the prospects of using LLLT in the complex treatment of cancer patients. Physiotherapy is the basis of rehabilitation of cancer patients.

  • Tuberculosis. Laser therapeutic devices are included in the standard equipment of specialized European medical institutions. Hundreds of studies have proven the effectiveness of LLLT.

  • Pregnancy in all terms. The use of LLLT during pregnancy is a common practice. There was no pathological effect of laser radiation on pregnant women and fetuses. We will describe in more detail during the LLLT in gynecology and during pregnancy in a special section on women's health.


The duration of exposure to 1 point is 1-2 minutes

The duration of exposure to one area is up to 10 minutes

  • Therapy is carried out in the physiotherapy room, on an outpatient basis.

  • Before starting laser therapy, a consultation with a specialist is conducted. The patient is also sent for the necessary tests.

  • Depending on the purpose of treatment, the laser emitter can be placed in contact, that is, directly in contact with the body or remotely, at a distance of 10-50 centimeters. The laser beam can be stationary or moved manually over selected areas by your physiotherapist. 

  • At the end of the session, there are no restrictions regarding physical activity and nutrition.

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