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Men's Health

Program description

Our Men's health programs are aimed at the prevention and treatment of such common ailments as:


• Hypertension. Men often do not notice this disease. Headaches are attributed to fatigue, shortness of breath and redness of the face at the slightest exertion — to lack of movement, and heart palpitations — to stress. Unnoticed hypertension often leads to heart attacks and strokes, which in the modern world pose a threat even to 40-year-old men.

• Atherosclerosis. A very significant disease faced by men aged 45-50 years. Atherosclerotic plaques in large vessels interfere with the normal blood supply to organs. Such changes can affect the brain, the cardiac and renal arteries, and the arteries of the lower extremities. Heart attack is one of the most frequent manifestations of atherosclerosis.

• Joint diseases. Men often have two extremes-either life in an armchair and on the couch, or extreme sports and heavy loads in the gym. Both result in joint problems. After 40 years, such disorders occur in 50% of male patients. The most frequent complaints are pain in the cervical and lumbar spine, pain in the knees and hip joints. Extreme manifestations of joint pathologies are gout, osteochondrosis and osteoporosis. As a rule, the diseases progress with age.

• Gastrointestinal diseases — cholecystitis, pancreatitis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. Men, as a percentage, are more prone than women to bad habits — smoking, alcoholism and poor nutrition. An unbalanced diet leads to severe diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and visceral obesity.

• Prostatitis. A disease that occurs today in men, even at a young age. There are many causes of the disease — STDs, colds and infectious diseases, sedentary lifestyle (prostatitis is a frequent companion of sedentary work) and irregular sex life. The disease can be asymptomatic until a late stage, so it is important to periodically undergo preventive examinations by a urologist-andrologist and take tests.

• Chronic stress. Burnout, fatigue, lack of extracurricular interests, dissatisfaction with life often lead men to depression. Due to the fact that most men are ashamed to seek help from specialists, the number of patients with nervous exhaustion, heart attacks and other mental and nervous disorders is increasing.

The Men's health program includes:

  • Comprehensive evaluation.

  • Complex of highly effective substances for infusion therapy (droppers).

  • Red light therapy.

  • Ozone IV therapy.

  • Low-level laser therapy on the latest equipment LASMIK and MATRIX.



  • Blood tests. 

  • Imaging tests.


The procedures included in the Men's health program are carried out on outpatient basis with daily visit.


We pay special attention to the treatment of chronic prostatitis. for this issue, we use the most innovative and effective equipment available today in medical institutions. With the help of new technologies, it is possible to achieve high results in the treatment of a number of diseases of the genitourinary system in both men and women.


What is chronic prostatitis?

Prostatitis is one of the most common diseases of the male genitourinary system. With age, the probability of the disease increases; it is believed that at the age of 30, prostatitis is detected in 30% of men, at 40 – in 40%, at 50 years – in 50%, after 50 years, prostatitis is detected in almost every man.

With prostatitis, there are numerous problems with urination, libido decreases and erectile function is disrupted. The saddest thing is that in the absence of competent treatment, about 40% of patients are threatened with some form of infertility, since the prostate gland can no longer produce enough high-quality secretions to ensure sperm motility. It is important to remember that similar symptoms can occur not only with prostatitis, but also with prostate adenoma and cancer.


There are 4 main forms of prostatitis:

  • acute bacterial prostatitis,

  • chronic bacterial prostatitis,

  • non-bacterial prostatitis

  • and prostatodynia (Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (CPPS).


In people younger than 35 years of age, the disease usually occurs in the form of acute bacterial prostatitis. Bacterial prostatitis is called when there is laboratory confirmation of the presence of infection. Most often it turns out to be chlamydia, trichomoniasis, gardnerellosis or gonorrhea.

However, infection does not play a decisive role in the occurrence of prostatitis. With non-bacterial prostatitis, bacteria cannot be isolated, so prostatitis can develop independently, without infection. The main causes of prostatitis are stagnation of secretions in the prostate gland, as well as circulatory disorders in the gland itself and its surrounding organs.

Older patients are more likely to be diagnosed with chronic forms of the disease. Prostatodynia is the presence of a clinical picture of prostatitis, compaction of prostate tissue without signs of its inflammation.

Factors contributing to stagnation of prostate secretion and circulatory disorders in the pelvic organs, and thereby increasing the risk of prostatitis:

• prolonged sexual abstinence or, conversely, excessive sexual activity, contributing to prostate overstrain;

• work in which you have to be mostly in a sitting position;

• sedentary lifestyle;

• problems with the stool (chronic constipation).

Factors contributing to the penetration of infection into the prostate gland, and thereby increasing the risk of prostatitis:

• prolonged stress;

• general hypothermia of the body;

• chronic alcoholism;

• depressed state of the immune system (it can be a consequence of chronic infectious diseases, overexertion during sports, chronic lack of sleep, poor nutrition, etc.).

Symptoms of prostatitis

The symptoms of prostatitis can be divided into 3 groups:

• disorders of the urinary system (frequent and painful urge to urinate, feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder), pain in the lower abdomen;

• disorders of sexual function (soreness along the urethra and in the rectum during ejaculation, weak erection, premature ejaculation, loss of orgasm, etc.);

• increased anxiety and nervousness of men due to the fixation of patients' attention on their condition.

In the absence of timely therapy , prostatitis can cause the following complications:

• the transition of acute prostatitis to chronic,

• obstruction of the bladder with acute urinary retention, which requires surgical treatment,

• development of male infertility,

• narrowing and scarring of the urethra,

• recurrent cystitis,

• pyelonephritis and other kidney damage,

• abscess (suppuration) of the prostate, which requires surgical intervention,

• sepsis is a life–threatening complication that develops more often in people with reduced immunity (patients with diabetes mellitus, renal insufficiency).

How to treat chronic prostatitis

Acute bacterial prostatitis lends itself well to antibacterial therapy. Treatment of chronic prostatitis is not an easy task. This process requires time and a comprehensive approach, which includes antibacterial therapy, measures to stimulate immunity and blood circulation in the prostate gland, including prostate massage and physiotherapy. Methods such as finger massage of the prostate gland, vibration massage, electrostimulation of the prostate, laser therapy with a rectal sensor are used. Movement is also necessary. To avoid relapses, you should strive to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Prostatitis can manifest itself at the most inopportune time and turn all life plans upside down. Therefore, it is so necessary to regularly check the state of your health and consult a doctor when the first alarming symptoms appear.

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Low-Level Laser Therapy for treating chronic prostatitis

The Matrix-Urologist hardware complex is designed specifically for physiotherapy for chronic prostatitis. Its use has proven effectiveness in the treatment of the inflammatory process of the prostate gland.

The laser physiotherapy complex "Matrix-Urologist" has been successfully used by urologists and andrologists for many years, has no analogues in the world. 

Laser pulse exposure allows to:

  • improve blood microcirculation, increase the rate of capillary formation;

  • eliminate stagnation of blood in the prostate;

  • stimulate redox reactions at the cell level and increase their ability to regenerate without contributing to their change;

  • improve the membrane potential of tissue cells of the endocrine glands;

  • strengthen the walls of the prostate vessels.


  • Infections of the genitourinary system (including sexually transmitted infections).

  • Inflammatory diseases - urethritis, cystitis, prostatitis, vesiculitis, colliculitis.

  • Impotence, erectile dysfunction.

  • Peyronie's disease.

  • Infertility.

  • Inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs in women.


  • Reduces pain and inflammation.

  • Improves erection and potency.

  • Normalizes urination.

  • The tone of the pelvic floor muscles increases, and sensations during sex become more vivid.

  • Physical therapy for chronic prostatitis should be repeated 5-7 times to see a noticeable improvement.


  • No risk of complications or side effects

  • No need for anesthesia and rehabilitation

  • High efficiency

  • Can be combined with other medical measures

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