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Injection cosmetology

Mesotherapy is a therapeutic technique that consists of the local administration of small doses of medicinal or biologically active drugs into the surface and middle layers of the skin. Therapeutic cocktails are introduced, causing a tightening (lifting) effect of the skin, strengthening blood vessels, restoring metabolism in tissues and affecting fat cells, breaking and removing them (lipolytic effect).

As if having received an individually composed wonderful cocktail filled with vitamins, medicinal extracts, homeopathic remedies and nutrients, you will get rid of troubles in the form of wrinkles, cellulite, acne, "breeches" or excessively full hands for a long time.

Mesotherapy benefits

• the result of the procedure lasts for a long time and does not require maintenance;

• mesotherapy can be done at any age;

• the procedure can be performed on any part of the body (unlike wraps that prohibit the use of the abdominal area);

• the method has almost no contraindications. There are patients for whom the use of traditional methods of treatment is impossible – in this case, they are provided with the help of a mesotherapist. However, in order to analyze the possible reactions of the body to the drug, it is recommended to first make a small trial injection;

• mesotherapy procedure is performed on an outpatient basis;

• intradermal integration of the drug allows it to effectively penetrate into the skin tissue and spread optimally;

• all medications are well taken by skin cells. In this case, rejection of the substance is impossible, since the injection is carried out directly into the dermis, which allows you to pass the protective skin barrier;

• the frequency of injections and doses of the drug can be reduced – while maintaining the effect of the previous procedure, the next injection is not done;

• the mesotherapeutic method is perfectly combined with other procedures.

The combination of peeling and mesotherapy allows you to eliminate wrinkled folds around the eyes, removes wrinkles in the nose and lips, reduces the effect of the "second chin", makes the skin softer, improves its tone.

Mesotherapy indications

A beautiful face with healthy, smooth, velvety, radiant skin is always attractive. But over time, the former beauty fades a little: wrinkles appear, sagging skin, its elasticity is lost. You can fight these unpleasant "symptoms" with the help of creams, serums, salon procedures, plastic surgery. One of the most popular rejuvenation techniques today is mesotherapy.


• the presence of blackheads on the skin of the face (acne);

• circulatory disorders in the vessels (rosacea);

• smoothing of wrinkles;

• smoothing of wrinkles in the nose and lips;

• improvement of skin structure;

• facial rejuvenation

• restoring the contour of the face;

• restoration of the complexion of the face;

• rehabilitation after aesthetic operations;

• hair restoration and treatment of alopecia.


How does it work?

Injections of vitamins and antioxidants stimulate the metabolic activity of collagen and elastin production, prevent the formation of wrinkles, and remove pigmentation.

The effect of the procedures depends very much on the initial state. But on average, after 2-3 procedures, it is already noticeable. Under some conditions, the effect is noticeable after the first procedure.

The low traumaticity of the technique and the low invasiveness, the absence of a long period of rehabilitation make it possible to combine mesotherapy with other therapeutic and surgical techniques (including in the framework of aesthetic medicine).

Mesotherapy is safe. This procedure is minimally invasive – the integrity of the skin is violated, but very slightly. Punctures made with a thin needle heal quickly, there is no risk of infection if you follow the doctor's recommendations. The drugs themselves undergo multi-stage checks, they are not rejected by the body, usually do not cause allergic reactions and "work" only in the skin, without penetrating into the blood.

This type of exposure is universal, suitable for people of any age and gender. Injections solve a wide range of skin problems – it is only important to choose the right drug for a specific purpose and correctly inject it. The technique is successfully applied not only in the face area, but in such delicate areas as the neck and decollete, hands, body, scalp.

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