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What is Ozone Therapy?

Ozone therapy is a standard method of systemic exposure to the body used in medical institutions. Ozone therapy is widely used in various fields of medicine and medical cosmetology.

In the treatment of a number of diseases, ozone allows you to suppress pathogenic flora by refusing medications with a large number of complications or by reducing the dose of medications. Ozone is in demand in urology, gynecology, dermatology, infectious therapy, surgery, dentistry, gastroenterology. It is no less popular in cosmetology, because it allows you to eliminate or prevent a lot of problems. 


Depending on medical indications, Ozone is injected into the body in various ways:

  • Intravenously.

  • In the form of a solution by injection.

  • As part of distilled water that the patient drinks.

  • By inhalation.

  • Rectally.

  • Vaginally.

  • Applying ozone-saturated creams and oils to the skin.

  • Taking baths filled with ozonated water.


Depending on which ozone dosage (low, medium or high) was used during the procedure, the mechanism of action and properties of ozone therapy may vary.

  • Low doses of ozone (less than 400 mcg / l) have a stimulating effect on the immune system, increase the activity of tissue healing, metabolism and detoxification processes, reduce the risk of blood clots.

  • Average doses of ozone (400-2000 mcg / l) increase the body's resistance to stress factors (cold, toxic substances), reduce the activity of inflammatory processes, the formation of edema and the severity of pain.

  • High doses of ozone (more than 2000 mcg/l) have antiviral, antimicrobial and antifungal effects, suppress autoimmune tissue damage and prevent the development of secondary infections.


After all, such oxygen has useful properties that have a positive effect on many organs and systems. This helps patients to cure the disease without surgery and the use of various chemicals. In addition to the cosmetic effect, active oxygen promotes fat burning, without special diets and grueling workouts. Ozone therapy is recommended for the treatment of various diseases and the prevention of colds.

Properties of Ozone

Ozone therapy allows you to solve a wide range of problems based on the beneficial properties of ozone:

• Detoxification – the removal of toxins from the body.

• Antimicrobial effect – ozone is capable of destroying many varieties of microbes.

• Antiviral properties – the gas has a destructive effect on viruses, even those that are resistant to antiviral drugs.

• Elimination of inflammation, which makes it in demand in the treatment of acne.

• Lipolysis – partial breakdown of fat cells, acceleration of metabolic processes in subcutaneous fat.

• Strengthening of redox reactions in the body.

• Strong oxidizing effect, reacting with a variety of formations and their subsequent destruction. Destroys bacteria resistant to antibiotics.

• Harmful microorganisms do not develop resistance to ozone.

• Analgesic effect, as O3 binds to substances that are responsible for the transmission of pain impulses.

• Effectiveness in the treatment of vascular pathologies by reducing blood viscosity and thrombosis.

• Antihypoxic effect, due to oxygen saturation of the blood and its rapid delivery to the tissues.

• Stimulation of the formation of antioxidants, which has a positive effect on the immune system.

• Stimulation of ATP synthesis, rapid relief of fatigue.

Ozone therapy allows you to solve a wide range of problems based on the beneficial properties of ozone.


Cardiovascular insufficiency. Coronary heart disease. Angina pectoris. Arrhythmia. Hypertension. Atherosclerosis.


Treatment of scars. Facial rejuvenation. Cellulite. Skin inflammation. Acne, blackheads. Signs of skin aging. Local fat deposits. Acceleration of recovery after liposuction. Stretch marks.


Initial, medium and deep caries. Diseases of the lip mucosa and oral cavity. Spot disinfection. Endodontics. Periodontology. Orthodontics. Surgery and implantology.


Acute, chronic inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs. Genital herpes. Vaginal candidiasis. Pregnancy preservation. Early toxicosis. Placental insufficiency. Oncological tumors of a gynecological nature.


Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum 12. Chronic gastritis and gastroduodenitis. Chronic pancreatitis. Biliary dyskinesia, chronic cholecystitis, cholelithiasis. Acute and chronic hepatitis of various, including viral origins. Cirrhosis of the liver. Chronic proctitis, proctosigmoiditis. Nonspecific ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease. Chronic cracks of the anus. Intestinal dysbiosis.


Osteochondrosis. Back pain. Vegetative-vascular dystonia. Chronic forms of cerebrovascular insufficiency (dyscirculatory encephalopathy). Migraines, cephalgia. Compression-ischemic lesions, mono- and polyneuropathies. Organic diseases of the nervous system. Ischemic stroke (except for the acute period). Multiple sclerosis. Consequences of cerebral circulation disorders. Vertebrogenic neuralgia. Diseases of the peripheral nervous system. Chronic fatigue syndrome. Insomnia (restoration of the phases of normal sleep).


Age-related macular degeneration of the retina. Viral conjunctivitis and keratitis. Corneal degeneration. Purulent ulcer of the cornea. Retinal pigment degeneration. Atrophy and neuritis of the optic nerve. Dystrophic changes of the vascular membrane. Myopia of a high degree. Glaucoma. Hemophthalmos. Regmatogenic retinal detachment. Diabetic retinopathy.


Acute and chronic external otitis caused by bacterial, viral and fungal infection. Chronic inflammatory diseases of the middle ear (including otoantritis, tubotimpanal otitis, purulent-inflammatory processes of the trepanation cavity of the middle ear). Sensorineural hearing loss. Atrophic and vasomotor neurovegetative rhinitis. Allergic forms of rhinitis. Sinusitis, ethmoiditis. Chronic pharyngitis. Chronic compensated and decompensated tonsillitis.


Vascular stars and spider veins. Varicose veins. Trophic ulcers. Diabetic foot.


Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Acute bronchitis. Chronic obstructive bronchitis. Bronchial asthma. Pneumonia. Empyema of the pleura. Tuberculosis of the lungs.


Fungus of the scalp. Dandruff. Seborrhea. Folliculitis. Weak hair. Hair loss. Thinning of the hair. The need to stimulate hair growth. General improvement of hair and improvement of its properties – shine, elasticity, brightness of color.


STDs. Prostatitis. Urethritis. Erectile dysfunction. Male infertility. Orchit. Epididymitis.

Ozone Therapy Methods of Application We Offer

Intravenous administration of ozonated saline solution.

Intravenous administration involves exposure to ozone with the body's environment, therefore it is the most effective method of therapy. The procedure restores oxygen, promotes metabolism, normalizes hormonal balance, dilates blood vessels, thereby improves microcirculation, strengthens the immune system. The very first session raises sexual activity, relieves fatigue. This technique is very easy to use, it is perfectly tolerated by patients, even pregnant women are allowed.


Rectal application of ozone mixture. It is used for inflammation of the genitals, rectum. A physiological ozonated solution from 200 to 500 ml is injected into the anus . The procedure takes two minutes, and is considered no less effective than intravenous administration. Helps to cope with hemorrhoids, fistulas, colitis, inflammation in the anus. To get rid of infectious diseases that are transmitted through sexual contact, it will take ten sessions every other day.


Vaginal irrigation promotes the restoration of microflora, raises the immune system, promotes rapid recovery. Intravaginal irrigation helps in the treatment of fungal infections that have affected the lining of the uterus. Flowing ozone can wash the urethra, genitals.

When used correctly, ozone therapy is considered a method of treatment with good tolerability and high safety, which provides a comprehensive effect on the body.

Pros and Cons of Ozone Therapy

As with every treatment method, ozone therapy has its Pros and Cons.

The disadvantages of ozone therapy include the properties of ozone itself, which has a very high chemical activity and, like any potent substance, requires very strict adherence to the recommended dosages and duration of use. Overdose dramatically increases the risk of side effects, can cause irritation of the mucous membranes and skin (up to a burn) or toxic effects with systemic use. Therefore, ozone therapy can only be carried out by a qualified doctor (in a medical institution) and only after a thorough analysis of the limitations and contraindications for each patient.

Contraindications to ozone therapy are:

• any conditions in which blood clotting decreases;

• recent bleeding;

• diseases of the nervous system with a high risk of seizures;

• acute poisoning;

• allergy to ozone;

• thyroid dysfunction.


When used correctly, ozone therapy is considered a method of treatment with good tolerability and high safety, which provides a comprehensive effect on the body.

Among the useful properties of ozone therapy, first of all, there is a stimulating effect on metabolic processes and the activity of the antioxidant defense of the body, which play an important role in the development of many diseases (including cardiovascular, bronchopulmonary, as well as joint diseases and diabetes mellitus).


Equally important are the anti-inflammatory, detoxifying and antimicrobial properties of ozone therapy combined with the ability to stimulate the healing processes of damaged tissues.


Due to the complex therapeutic effect, indications for ozone therapy can be:

• burns, trophic ulcers, bedsores;

• diseases of the peripheral nerves and spine;

• chronic diseases of the stomach and intestines;

• arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis;

• inflammatory skin diseases;

• cellulite, vascular asterisks, scars;

• acute and chronic inflammatory diseases (gynecological, urological, ENT organs, joints and respiratory tract).

At the same time, the use of medical ozone in practical gynecology is relevant, since the main pathological conditions have in their pathogenesis prerequisites for the successful implementation of all the therapeutic effects of ozone.

Ozone Therapy Indications in Gynecology

• Acute and chronic nonspecific inflammatory diseases of the female genital area: endometritis, colpitis, salpingoophoritis; sexually transmitted infections — the anti-inflammatory effect of ozone is used, its ability to cause the death of pathological microorganisms;

• Bacterial vaginosis, as its development is caused by a general decrease in immunity, and ozone has a general beneficial effect on the immune system;

• Inflammatory diseases of the genitals — vaginal irrigation with ozonated saline solution is sometimes used in combination with intravenous administration of this solution, as well as subcutaneous or intramuscular injection of the patient's own blood taken from a vein (autohemotherapy);

• Chronic endometritis — intrauterine irrigation with ozonated saline solution is used, in the period of exacerbation or in the presence of any specific infection, irrigation is combined with additional intravenous administration of ozone;

• Fungal lesions of the mucous membranes of the genitals — intra-vaginal irrigation with ozonated saline is used , followed by the use of tampons with ozonated oil;

• Genital herpes — the use of the virologic action of ozone therapy and stimulation of the body's own defenses by improving immunity. If the herpes virus is detected in the genitourinary organs and blood, then complex intravenous and local ozone therapy is performed;

• Atrophic colpitis and vaginitis in post—menopausal women, vulvar kraurosis - vaginal irrigation with ozonated saline solution with applications of ozonated vegetable oil to the vaginal walls and cervix;

• Cervical erosion — local exposure to ozonated oil

Vaginal Ozone Insufflation

Vaginal Ozone Insufflation is a method of direct delivery of an ozonated solution into the vagina. The effect is local, the procedure is absolutely painless. Ozone has an immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, destroys bacteria, fungi and viruses.

The use of vaginal insufflations of an ozone-oxygen mixture combines high efficiency against the most common pathogens of vaginal infections, while limiting the antibacterial and other drug load on the body. These procedures have both a local sanogenic effect and a general systemic effect on the body.



• Acute, chronic inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs;

• Genital herpes;

• Vaginal candidiasis;

• To preserve pregnancy;

• With early toxicosis;

• Placental insufficiency;

• Oncological tumors of a gynecological nature;

• For prevention purposes after operations.



• Anti-inflammatory effect

• Antiparasitic effect

• Antiviral effect

• Antifungal effect

• Increase of local immunity

• Pain relief

• Infertility treatment (in combination with other procedures)


Before prescribing a woman, a number of examinations are carried out to choose the right method of therapy, to establish the duration of treatment:

Ultrasound examination;

Laboratory tests.


An individual technique is selected for each patient:

  • Irrigation with ozone solution;

  • Rectal insufflation;

  • Intravenous, intravenous drip of active oxygen;

  • Wiping the genitals, tampons with ozonated oil.


If a woman cannot conceive a child due to adhesions and scarring in the pelvic area, it is recommended to use a combined method of ozone therapy. This will restore the woman's reproductive organs, and she will be able to get pregnant.


Ozone has an anti-inflammatory effect, is able to cope with any virus, pathological abnormalities in the vaginal microflora. Its use gives a positive result, because antibiotics harm the body and are often unable to cope with bacteria, fungi.

Genital Herpes

Genital herpes without treatment can lead to serious consequences. It is very difficult to cure the disease, you need to constantly take medications. Ozone therapy not only gets rid of viruses, but also raises the immune system, the protective functions of the body, which contributes to the independent fight against infection. Natural substances gently affect the organs, do not have a toxic effect. The method of treatment will be determined by an experienced specialist, it all depends on the localization and extent of the lesion. Intravenous administration and local therapy are more often recommended. In case of pathological abnormalities in the cervix, erosion, patients are recommended to use ozonated tampons. They need to be put on daily for about two weeks, preferably at night.

The result can be observed after the fifth session, pain, itching and burning disappear in a woman, secretions are eliminated, the whole body is restored. The procedure helps to recover quickly after surgery, protects the liver and other organs from antibiotics, hormonal drugs. After all, without medications, you can cope with the disease, restore reproductive organs, recover quickly.

Ozone Therapy and Pregnancy

Ozone therapy is often used in the field of obstetrics. Ozone helps to cope with oxygen starvation of the fetus in the womb. It improves blood flow, which helps the flow of useful trace elements to the baby, saturates the blood with oxygen, promotes metabolism in the placenta.

This technique is often used in pregnant women with anemia, ozone promotes the mobility of red blood cells. What protects the mother and child from oxygen deficiency.


This method of treatment is used:

  • For toxicosis of the first trimesters;

  • Fetoplacental insufficiency;

  • If there is an infection in the womb;

  • Premature termination of pregnancy, threat of miscarriage;

  • Excess weight in a pregnant woman;

  • Problems with fetal development.

This method of treatment contributes to the normal course of pregnancy, reduces the risk of losing a child in the early stages, helps active labor. It is often used in modern clinics to preserve the child and preserve the health of the mother. Therefore, such therapy is increasingly used in gynecology. Many experts have proven that ozone improves metabolism in the body, improves its functioning.

In obstetric practice, an absolute contraindication to ozone therapy is bleeding of any intensity, which is explained by the thrombolytic effect of ozone. In the presence of hemostasis in gynecological patients requiring the appointment of ozone therapy, treatment should be carried out under the control of the hemostasis system. Menstrual bleeding is not a reason to cancel ozone therapy (there may be a slight prolongation of menstruation and some increase in total blood loss).

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