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Red Light Therapy

Red light therapy is a type of photomodulation therapy that is finding more and more applications in medicine. Low-frequency waves with a wavelength of 650nm are mainly used, often in combination with infrared light of 850nm. Photodynamic therapy has been proposed for the treatment of skin diseases, including melanoma. The therapy has proved so effective, and in recent years has become widely used for a variety of nosologies, from internal chronic infections and wound healing to depression and chronic fatigue. The main action of RLTis associated with mitochondria, the energy generators of our cells and tissues. Red light activates mitochondrial enzymes through light-dependent ion channels.

Light therapy has no contraindications and side effects – it does not cause allergic and toxic reactions, because it is based on the natural forces of nature.


In sports medicine, pulsating red light is used to quickly restore muscles in places of their rupture or in systemic diseases, when due to any pathology, the normal functioning of muscles is disrupted and their tone decreases. Such treatment is natural and does not cause complications or relapses. The body copes with problems by itself, and therapy only helps it in this.


Pulsating red light lingers on the skin, subcutaneous fat and near subcutaneous structures, providing a therapeutic effect, which is why it has found wide application in cosmetology. Pulsating red light has a beneficial effect on the upper layers of the skin, promoting the synthesis of collagen and tissue elements. Due to this, wrinkles are smoothed, the skin becomes elastic, due to the improvement of the turgor of the fabric. The complexion is normalized due to the normalization of the work of pigment cells, pigment spots disappear.


Red light has the strongest complex effect on the immune system, metabolism, blood circulation and the neuroendocrine system. Red light accelerates wound healing. Under its influence, wounds on the skin heal faster, the regeneration of cells of internal organs improves, inflammation is relieved. Surface exposure is sufficient to reduce inflammatory processes. The effect is especially good in places with loose connective tissue, such as joints.


Exposure to pulsating red light changes the membrane potential of cells, forcing the cell to work actively, improves microcirculation of blood flow in tissues, leads to rapid recovery and normalization of the functioning of body tissues.


Pulsating red light in combination with low-level laser therapy has a restorative effect and helps in the treatment and prevention of many diseases. Both types of therapy are available in our clinic.

Red Light Therapy Therapeutic Effect

Infrared light and red light have a complex effect, it has the following effects on the body:

• increasing the diameter of blood vessels and improving blood circulation;

• activation of cellular immunity;

• reduction of tissue swelling and inflammation;

• relief of pain syndromes;

• improved metabolism;

• emotional stress relief;

• restoration of water-salt balance;

• normalization of the hormonal background.

Despite the benefits provided by pulsed infrared light, it is a therapeutic procedure and the number and duration of procedures, frequency and area of infrared exposure, as well as other features of treatment should be prescribed by a specialist.

• Anti-inflammatory

• Immunomodulatory

• Antioxidant

• Improvement of metabolism in the body


In the last decade, a new direction has been formed in physiotherapy – photochromotherapy, based on the use of narrow-band LED radiation of different colors. The application of red, green and blue LED optical radiation is the most studied.

Each component of light (infrared, red, green, yellow, orange, blue, etc.) has a specific effect and can be used for optimal treatment of a particular pathology.


Each color penetrates the skin at different depths:

  • Blue light affects the uppermost layer of your skin. Blue light is completely delayed by the epidermis and dermis.

  • Yellow light penetrates deeper and in its action is between red and blue.

  • Red light travels further into your skin. The red light penetrates into biological tissues to a depth of 25 mm, being absorbed in the epidermis and the skin itself (dermis). About 25% of the falling energy reaches the subcutaneous fat. The red color is absorbed mainly by enzymes (catalase, ceruloplasmin), as well as chromatophore groups of protein molecules and, partially, oxygen.

  • Near-infrared light penetrates deepest. That is why infrared light is indicated for use in subacute inflammatory diseases of internal organs, the consequences of injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system, with sluggish paralysis and muscle paresis.

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